Мотор-Байк ООД

Адрес: бул.България №54 4400 Пазарджик
Теленор 0893 444893,
Теленор 0893 444620,
Виваком 0878 835359
e-mail: motor_bike@abv.bg

    | Резервни части за скутери и мотоциклети / Motorcycles & scooters products, spare parts | Минск / Minsk | Карбуратор / Carburetor
90,00 лв.
МИНСК КАРБУРАТОР К30 - М1А 125 / МОСКВА 125 (Консервиран с грес)
Minsk carburettor K-30 125cc (Canned by grease)
Original remaining stock
Hole to the cylinder:
Inner diameter: approx Ø23mm
Hole to the filter:
Outer diameter: Ø25mm / Inner diameter: Ø16mm
Total Width: 56.5mm / Total Height: 106mm
Applicable to:
Minsk M1A 125 1951-1957
Moscow (Moskva) 125 1946-1951

Original remaining stock.
The original parts from the USSR period can have scratching tracks, paint defects or similar damages, please note this before the purchase or ask in case of doubt with us.